Every Moment

Every Moment

    I could feel it in my chest. The pounding of hands and hearts. The music flowing around us, a strong current pulling us to the throne of God. We were all together, held tight in this moment, connecting spirit to Spirit.     He was there, and we could feel him. And then it ended, and as the tingle left the air and the students around me blinked at the sudden return to daily life, I found myself wishing we could pause time and remain there for just a little longer. I’ve felt this before, these times of worship that seem to open the veil between Heaven and earth and let a bit of eternity through. But they always end. Feet shuffle and people stretch, and our thoughts return to grocery lists, schedules, and mundane things that seem out of step with the experience...

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Here in the Highlands

Here in the Highlands

    Smoke hangs heavy on the hills around Ukarumpa. Locals burning the dry grass, partly to clear for planting, but also to get the attention of the spirits they worship, pleading in flames and embers for much-needed rain. Dust lays thick on everything, inside the house and out. It billows from the gravel roads, blurring the eyes and choking the lungs. There are whispers of drought. Water tanks are running dangerously low. People are borrowing jugs from neighbors who have some to spare, relying on kindness to be able to wash dishes, to cook, to quench thirst. The rainy season is coming, they say. It couldn’t be here soon enough. The hillsides burn on, a deadly and silent cry for help to spirits who neither hear nor care. And then it starts. One drop, two, twenty,...

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